Do you have experience with food insecurity and poverty?
Share your story!
We are seeking the leadership of experts in lived experience of hunger or poverty whose voices are underrepresented in the anti-hunger movement. Participants will be problem-solvers who share their experience about poverty and food insecurity with their community and elected officials. We’re looking for folks from all walks of life! In addition, participants will provide feedback on Food Bank of Delaware programming and initiatives and participate in professional development exercises to foster their ability to advocate for themselves and others experiencing food insecurity and poverty.
H.E.L.P. enables participants to:
- Develop their personal narrative to move others to action
- Network and engage with anti-hunger leaders and elected officials through political advocacy
- Learn about hunger in Delaware
Council members will meet six times per year (virtually during the pandemic and in person once it’s safe to do so). Meals will be provided at each in-person meeting.
Participants will receive a $25 grocery gift card at the conclusion of each meeting.
To apply, please click here for a paper application or fill out the below online application. Applications are due by the close of business on December 1.