Food Bank of Delaware Receives Grant from Red Nose Day to Support Children at Risk of Hunger
December 1, 2016
The Food Bank of Delaware announced today that it will use a $10,989.94 grant received from the Red Nose Day Fund to support children at risk of hunger through its Backpack Program. This latest contribution from Red Nose Day will impact 59 children in need in the First State. These children will receive weekend and holiday food for an entire school year.
Through the power of entertainment, Red Nose Day raises awareness and money to end child poverty, supporting programs that help to keep kids safe, healthy and educated. The grant for the Food Bank of Delaware is one of 200 provided this year by the Red Nose Day Fund to Feeding America® member food banks.
The Food Bank of Delaware’s Backpack Program provides food to children in need for weekends and holidays when school is not in session and federal school meal programs are not available. Backpacks are stocked with kid-friendly, nutritious food including shelf-stable milk and juice, meals such as macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and meatballs and beef stew, granola bars, apple sauce, cereal and more. They are distributed on Fridays or the last day before a holiday or vacation in a discreet manner at schools.
Each week more than 5,000 participate in this much needed program.
With the recent Thanksgiving holiday break and the upcoming winter break, children will rely on Backpack meals during these extended breaks.
“Research shows that children who experience hunger face significant stress and challenges that can have a lasting effect on their physical, cognitive and behavioral development,” said Patricia Beebe, President and CEO of the Food Bank of Delaware. “We are very grateful for the support we receive through Red Nose Day, which helps us provide food and support throughout our state.”
Feedback from Food Bank of Delaware Backpack partners has been incredibly positive:
“Our children really look forward to receiving food each week. From the first day of school, children begin asking me when they will receive their food. The program really helps children feel secure that they will have food for when they are not in school.”
“The food has made a difference in our students’ lives. One of our students thanks me every time he sees me. He said he really looks forward to Fridays. Thank you for helping our students.”
“Many displaced and low income families this year, more than in years past. It is very helpful and the kids are so very thankful. I have also gotten several thank you letters from parents of how it is helping the family.”
Since launching in the US in 2015, over $4.5 million of Red Nose Day funds have been allocated to Feeding America to support child hunger initiatives. Funds go to all partner organizations in the national Feeding America network, which spans every county in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
To learn more about the Backpack Program at the Food Bank of Delaware, please click here.