Healthy Childhood Project builds early foundation for healthy eating
March 22, 2022
What better way to start a Monday morning than with a group of adorable preschoolers?!
Thanks to a partnership with the Latin American Community Center’s La Fiesta II Early Development Center in New Castle, Food Bank of Delaware Community Nutrition Educator, Jaime Sherman, spent the morning teaching preschoolers about delicious carrots!
It’s part of a 13-week curriculum called the Healthy Childhood Project, aimed at providing nutrition education to children ages 3-5 from SNAP-eligible families.
Jaime visits this New Castle classroom every other week, and the kids were thrilled when she arrived!
She jumped right into the day’s lesson with a story about a rabbit who loves carrots – what rabbit doesn’t love carrots though?! The kids gathered closely as she read. They asked lots of questions about rabbits, carrots – and even Jaime’s necklace and watch!
“Why are carrots good for you?,” she asked.
“They help your heart stay healthy and strong and help your eyes, too,” she answered!
After storytime, the kids washed their hands and sampled carrot chips, white carrots and even purple carrots! The carrots were a hit, especially with the addition of ranch dressing for dipping!
The kids nibbled away before ending the day with a special craft, complete with construction paper carrots and dirt and glue sticks!
To learn more about the Healthy Childhood Project:
Jaime Sherman
New Castle County
Community Nutrition Educator
Alicia Vogel
Kent/Sussex Counties
Community Nutrition Educator