Lack of transportation = food insecurity for young Newark family
October 27, 2021
Like many of our neighbors, food insecurity is a constant and overwhelming concern for Sara, a single parent. New to the Newark-area, Sara is a mom to two young children, ages 6 and 4. Although she’s looking for work, transportation is a challenge. And lack of transportation means she can’t go to the Food Bank of Delaware’s warehouse to pick up food for her family.
Limited transportation options are common for those experiencing food insecurity. Whether it’s not having a vehicle, not being able to afford gas or repairs, or simply not being able to navigate public transportation, lack of reliable transportation adds to the daily stressors of living on a fixed income.
While Sara lives near the Food Bank, it’s not safe for her to walk along the busy highway. And she expresses the reason why she no longer considers walking an option: “A friend was trying to cross and got hit,” she explained.
Not long ago, she had personal transportation, but her situation changed. “Before I lost my car, I went to the clinic, and I got food there. They told me about the Food Bank, and I started going there, then I lost my car,” she said.
While Sara is able to order some food for her family online, she says the weekly delivery of a food box benefits her children. “They pay more attention in school,” she noted.
Research shows that food-insecure children miss school more frequently and are more likely to repeat a grade than food-secure children. Ensuring that kids have proper nutrition is critical.
Thanks to a partnership with Amazon, Sara and her kids don’t have to worry about where their next meal will come from and her younger children are better equipped for school!
To learn more about home delivery options at the Food Bank of Delaware, please click here.
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