Culinary School leads student to successful path
January 2, 2018
A search for a career landed Will Keyser in the Food Bank of Delaware’s Culinary School in Milford, and for him that’s a good fit.
This Dover resident was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves and was employed by Wawa, but was looking for something more. The Culinary School program successfully launched a career for his brother, Phillip.
“I always enjoyed cooking, and I like learning anything new. I love a challenge,” he said.
The Culinary School provides many challenges, as well as the opportunity for success.
Under the instruction of Food Bank of Delaware Chef Instructor Tish Badamshin and the guidance of Ruthann Messick, Culinary School program manager, the students spend 14 weeks developing their skills and passion for the culinary arts. From proper knife handling techniques to Serve Safe certification and completing a two-week internship, the students will be prepared for entry-level jobs in the food industry.
Although Will will graduate with his class on Tuesday, Jan. 9, he’s already employed as a pastry cook in Dover Downs’ Sweet Perks.
“I’m learning something new every day, and not just cooking and baking. If I’m not challenged, I’m not learning,” he said.
The mission of The Culinary School is two-fold. First, students are taught skills that are highly desirable to employers in the food industry and second, these newly-developed skills have the potential to lead to jobs in the industry that provide job security and economic sustainability.
Students are referred to the program through the Criminal Justice Council, Delaware Department of Labor, Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and other community-based organizations.
Interested in a career in the food service industry? The next class of The Culinary School in Newark and Milford begins Monday, January 22. For more information or to apply online, click here!