Culinary School Spotlight: Jeanne Smith

August 9, 2016

By Joanna Scatasti, Communications Intern

Like many of our other Culinary School students, Jeanne was ready for a life change.  The Culinary School at the Food Bank of Delaware was the push she needed.  She was referred to the program while speaking with a representative from Social Services through the Delaware WONDER program.  “I didn’t know about the program specifically, but I was trying to do something to advance my knowledge in [a trade], so when this was suggested to me I latched onto it,” she said. The suggestion, she says, changed her life.

“I’ve learned that I don’t know as much about culinary as I thought I did,” Jeannie pointed out.  In her mere few weeks in the program, she has already learned how to cut up a chicken, make rue, stock, and knife skills she never knew existed.  She’s grateful for the opportunity to grow.

There’s a “field trip” portion of the culinary program which takes students into the heart of Newark to observe some of the best restaurant’s kitchens.  Recently, she and her fellow students visited Del Pez and the Stone Balloon Ale House and were able to speak with those in the kitchen. “We’ve been around to quite a few establishments and got a chance to see how their kitchens work.  Just seeing a variety of different kitchens is very informative and helpful to me. [I like] to see how things [run] differently,” she pointed out.

Observing kitchen operations isn’t the only thing that Jeanne is thankful for:  she’s thankful for the outlook that the program has given her, “It’s made me hopeful that there is something out there for me. It’s a positive thing!”

Want to learn more about The Culinary School at the Food Bank of Delaware? Click here!


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