Food Bank of Delaware Nutrition Educators Observe National Nutrition Month®

March 3, 2021

Alicia Vogel, MA, BS, Community Nutrition Educator

March is the month of new beginnings. It’s a month when the worst of winter’s wrath is behind us and the smell of spring wafts through the air.  March is also a special time in which several national monthly observations are recognized. From the most familiar, National Women’s History Month, to the less familiar, National Noodle Month, March is full of educational opportunities for everyone. Among these, National Nutrition Month® continues to gain more attention with each passing year as the public’s interest in health and eating well intensifies.

What exactly is National Nutrition Month®?  From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website, “National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign created by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.”

Interestingly, National Nutrition Month® started as National Nutrition Week in 1973 with the theme “Invest in Yourself- Buy Nutrition.” The campaign was launched with a presidential proclamation and was featured in an array of media outlets, including TV and radio Public Service Announcements, news releases and bumper stickers. As excitement grew, National Nutrition Week was officially inaugurated in 1980 to be National Nutrition Month®.

Today, the purpose of National Nutrition Month® to help the public become more aware of the importance of good nutrition and a healthful eating plan remains the same as it did from its inception. This year’s theme is “Personalize your Plate” because there is no one-size-fits all approach to nutrition and health.

Throughout this month, weekly key messages centered on this year’s theme will be released by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. You can learn more at: In addition, the Community Nutrition Educators at the Food Bank of Delaware will be busy toiling away to present Facebook Live food demonstrations, pre-recorded demos, virtual classes and other blogs to encourage good nutrition during this time as well.

If you are an organization that provides programs and services to low- income individuals and families, SNAP-Ed classes and programs can be a tool for your clients. Please contact us to schedule a program!

New Castle County
Jaime Sherman, MS, LDN
Culinary and Nutrition Educator

Kent/Sussex County
Alicia Vogel, MA, BA
Community Nutrition Educator

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