Advocate of the Year: New Castle County Councilman David Tackett

May 26, 2017

Last month we hosted our annual dinner and honored nine supporters who have gone above and beyond to support our Creating a Bold Future capital campaign! Over the next several weeks, we will highlight each of our honorees. 

Navigating the tax code and permitting process in New Castle County has been made easier thanks to the assistance of New Castle County Councilman David Tackett.

222 Lake Drive is located in Councilman Tackett’s district, and he has emerged as a leader and true advocate. Councilman Tackett has introduced the Food Bank to other colleagues within the political realm and has become one of the Food Bank’s go-to people in New Castle County government.

It is clear that Councilman Tackett has embraced the vision and mission of the Food Bank of Delaware. He has utilized the catering services of The Culinary School – providing our students with a hands-on training opportunity.

As we progress in our Creating a Bold Future campaign, we will rely on Councilman Tackett’s knowledge to not only secure financial support from New Castle County, but also explore deeper collaborations with New Castle County government.

The ability to count on elected leaders to help accomplish our goals is critical for the Food Bank of Delaware. Councilman Tackett embodies all of the needed qualities of a public servant – he has integrity and is responsive,
transparent and willing to do whatever it takes to best serve his constituents.

Thank you, Councilman Tackett, for your commitment to a hunger-free community!

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