Bold Future Leadership Award: Alan Levin and Fred Sears

May 4, 2017

Last Thursday we hosted our annual dinner and honored nine supporters who have gone above and beyond to support our Creating a Bold Future capital campaign! Over the next several weeks, we will highlight each of our honorees. 

Raising $10.5 million for the retrofit at 222 Lake Drive will require the support of our entire community.

As capital campaign co-chairs, Alan Levin and Fred Sears have helped faciliate support for the project from government entities, businesses and generous individuals.

Together, they have provided guidance on communicating the campaign to the public and helped to build  excitement in the community for this much-needed project.

Fred and Alan both believe in the mission of the Food Bank of Delaware.

“I have been involved with and supportive of the Food Bank of Delaware for more than 15 years. I’ve watched it grow to meet the increasing and changing needs of the hungry throughout the state. It is an organization that thrives on innovation, and I have witnessed firsthand the challenges they have faced in meeting the changing  demands given the physical constraints in the existing facility.” – Fred Sears

“It is an organization that is committed to not only identifying problems facing vulnerable populations in our state, but developing real and practical solutions through innovation and systems change.” – Alan Levin

Thank you, Alan and Fred, for your commitment to a community free of hunger!

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