Food Bank of Delaware honors Senator Bryan Townsend as Legislator of the Year

April 28, 2015

Legislator of the Year: State Senator Bryan Townsend

Legislator of the Year: State Senator Bryan Townsend

When Senator Bryan Townsend, State Senator for the 11th district, was elected to office in 2012, one of his first items of business was to visit the Food Bank of Delaware’s Newark facility. The Newark facility falls within the 11th senatorial district, and from the beginning, the Food Bank has been able to depend on Senator Townsend as an advocate in Legislative Hall.

He is supportive of legislation that impacts low-income populations, and in June 2014, he hosted the Food Bank of
Delaware at Legislative Hall for a legislative day. On that same day, Senator Townsend presented the Food Bank of Delaware with a Senate Resolution recognizing the Food Bank of Delaware for its contributions to alleviating hunger in Delaware.

In addition to serving as an ally in the halls of our state capitol, we also rely on Senator Townsend for strategic advice. Despite a busy schedule, the Senator has also made time to help plan the May 4 Coming Together conference, a partnership between the Food Bank of Delaware, Brae’s Brown Bags and the Food Research and Action Center.

The Food Bank of Delaware is grateful to have Bryan Townsend as our friend and state senator! Thank you, Senator, for your work to end hunger!

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