AstraZeneca employees pack 20,000 meals for Delawareans in need

May 21, 2018

The mood was festive on Thursday at AstraZeneca as employees packed 20,000 meals for Delawareans! Thanks to a partnership with The Pack Shack, employees filled bags with the ingredients to make a delicious cheesy rice and vegetables meal! Each ingredient was carefully added to the bag using a special funnel. It was a packing party for a good cause!

Decked out in gloves, hair nets and beard nets, employees worked in teams to fill, weigh, seal and pack the bags. Each bag makes a whopping 8 servings, and all of it will stay in Delaware and be distributed through our network of partners.

The Pack Shack is based in Arkansas, and the nonprofit travels throughout the country bringing its meal packing party to corporations, schools, faith-based organizations and others who are interested in making a difference in their local community! Each party host is able to choose the charity partner to receive the meals.

According to the Pack Shack, its Funnel Parties are, “Crazy fun! We’ll all put on groovy hairnets, crank up some awesome music, and create thousands of delicious, healthy meals from dry ingredients in an assembly line process. Spontaneous dance parties have been known to breakout, so be prepared!”

…And fun it was for the 100 or so AstraZeneca employees who participated in two shifts.

Check out more photos from the afternoon of fun! Thank you, AstraZeneca!

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