Scouts’ generosity helps hungry kids
May 5, 2017
Thank you so much to the energetic, enthusiastic, and very generous Brownies from Girl Scout Troop 682 in Lewes.
These young ladies donated $200 from their first-year cookie sales to the Food Bank of Delaware’s Backpack Program, and they also donated their time by volunteering at our Milford site on Wednesday evening.
Their troop leaders, Beth Heid and Lindsey Caldwell, say the troop made the decision to use the cookie sale proceeds to help feed hungry Delawareans after they considered and discussed other charitable options.
“They voted what they wanted to do with the money,” Lindsey said.
When the girls volunteered, they also learned more about where and how their donations of time and money will be used.
Volunteer Coordinator Lyndsay Humphreys explained to the Scouts that each week, more than 5,000 Delaware children receive backpacks that contain four weekend meals. The backpacks go home with school-age children from 133 sites statewide.
The time these Scouts donated is equally important, since the Food Bank relies on volunteers; we call them our “heart and soul.”
The girls had an opportunity to sort donations in the volunteer room and also to help stock the Shoppers’ Choice shelves, a mainstay for our hunger relief partners.
Their experience helping the Food Bank of Delaware ties into their Philanthropy badge. “They are learning wants vs. needs, and also how they can help support the local community,” said Beth.
To learn more about how you can help the Food Bank of Delaware or to sign up as a volunteer, visit
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