Volunteer Spotlight: Shivang Patel
April 21, 2017
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! Throughout the month we will highlight the stories of volunteers who are committed to creating a community free of hunger!
Shivang Patel is fairly new to the Food Bank’s Newark volunteer room, but he’s already emerged as a leader.
He volunteers at least twice a week and found out about the opportunity through a friend. Since graduating college last year, Shivang has found that he has more free time on his hands. In addition to volunteering at the Food Bank, he also lends a hand at the Union Hospital and the Paris Foundation, a soup kitchen for the homeless.
“I didn’t get the chance to help my community while attending the University of Delaware because of the course load, but after graduating it felt like I had a lot of free time even with a job,” he said. “So I decided to volunteer as much as I can before moving on to dental school where I’ll achieve one of my life goals.” (Once I’m in dental school I know that I won’t have a lot of free time.)
Shivang knows that once he begins dental school in 2018 he will have a lot less free time!
He likes that every day is different in the volunteer room and says he enjoys using the pallet jack most. When he’s not using the pallet jack, Shivang likes to ensure that activities are running smoothly, because efficiency is important.
“Whether its making the boxes, packing or stocking the tables, I like to move around places that need my help,” he says.
In addition to the day-to-day tasks, Shivang also enjoys meeting new volunteers. “They are all great to work with and everyone is really kind and friendly.”
He encourages other members of the community to consider volunteering at the Food Bank. “It’s for the kids,” he says. “But besides that, you get to meet great people, it’s not hard, time goes by fast, and you don’t need any experience. It’s a great place to start volunteering for a great cause.”
Volunteering makes Shivang feel great. “Knowing that my free time is spent helping others makes me happy, and I am glad to do it.”
To learn more about volunteering at the Food Bank in either Newark or Milford, please click here to learn more or to sign up online!