Volunteer Spotlight: Chrissie Brown

April 20, 2017

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! Throughout the month we will spotlight volunteers who are making a difference at the Food Bank of Delaware! Chrissie Brown from Bank of America is one of the many volunteers helping us alleviate hunger! Recently, Wes Chandler, our Senior Volunteer Coordinator in Newark, sat down with Chrissie to learn more about why she chooses to volunteer at the Food Bank of Delaware! 

Wes Chandler: There are many worthy volunteer organizations in the state of Delaware. Why did you choose to support the Food Bank of Delaware?

Chrissie Brown: I have been volunteering for over 20 years at the Food Bank of Delaware.  It is a great volunteer opportunity where I can contribute to people across my state while networking with my co-workers.  I have always volunteered for my children’s schools, sports organizations and church activities.  The Food Bank of Delaware gives me access to helping others where I am not directly involved or receiving benefit.  As a member of our LEAD (Leadership, Education, Advocacy, and Development of Women) of Delaware at Bank of America, I coordinate monthly volunteer events for our members at the Food Bank.  These events are always filled with 15 or more members and we even have wait lists some months.  It is the most popular volunteer event that LEAD coordinates throughout the company.

WC: What do you enjoy most about volunteering at the Food Bank of Delaware?

CB: I love working as a group to accomplish whatever task is given to us to complete.  It gives you a chance to get to meet new people while contributing to those in need.   You always leave there feeling like you really made a difference in the community.

WC: What are some of your favorite tasks in the volunteer room?

CB: I love to organize the food for distribution and work in an assembly line to produce boxes for senior citizens or the weekend backpacks for young children.

WC: What would you say to convince other organizations/individuals to volunteer at the Food Bank?

CB: It is probably the easiest, most fulfilling hours of volunteer time that you can give to an organization.  The Food Bank of Delaware employees always explain what the task of the day will be and how it will help the community it serves.  They also tell you what you accomplished at the end of your volunteer shift.  You never leave there wondering how you impacted or helped the community.

WC: How does volunteering make you feel?

Volunteering at the Food Bank of Delaware makes me appreciate all that I have.  It keeps me grounded knowing that others in my community are not as fortunate as I am and how many people are in need in my community.

Thank you, Chrissie, for your commitment to a community free of hunger! We can’t do what we do without the support of our caring community! Want to learn more about volunteering? Please click here

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